Dr Sabin Zahirovic

sabin zahirovic

I am an Earth scientist interested in the deep-time evolution of our planet, with a focus on plate tectonics, geodynamics, landscape evolution, paleogeography, and planetary habitability. I am an ARC DECRA Fellow 2021-2024 in the School of Geosciences at the University of Sydney.


I completed my PhD (University of Sydney) in 2015 titled “Post-Pangea global plate kinematics and geodynamic implications for Southeast Asia”. I have been at the School of Geosciences since December 2008, working in various roles as a Research Assistant, Lab Demonstrator, Tutor and Lecturer for junior, intermediate and senior undergraduate units of study. I am on the Geological Society of Australia NSW Division committee as Talk Organiser since 2017, and Treasurer since 2020.





Plate Reconstructions

100 Ma plate reconstruction

Mantle Flow

100 Ma mantle flow

Dynamic Topography

100 Ma dynamic topography

Carbonate Platforms


Landscape Evolution